The Happy Pig Spread

The Happy Pig raises their head from the tangle of roots and underbrush, away from their cheerful truffle browsing, to consider the deck of cards spread before them. They delicately snuff and huff at the edges of several cards before primly selecting a card with the poke of a trotter. We turn the card over to reveal…

The Happy Oracular Pig showing of their selection: The Four of Wands

The Happy Oracular Pig showing of their selection: The Four of Wands

The Four of Wands

The Four of Wands is a card of celebration, depicting a festival on the edge of town. You may have achieved something recently and want your community to know about it, or may already be receiving these accolades. The Happy Pig is encouraging you to toot your own horn, loud and proud. It’s perfectly acceptable to rest on your laurels for a moment. Spread this sense of accomplishment to your community. A non-exhaustive list of things to do could include: throw a small party, attend a block party in your neighborhood or a friend’s neighborhood, visit a farmer’s market, street fair, outdoor arts market, carnival passing through, opening night, etc. Let the list be an inspiration to look around you and see what’s available, or start your own. 

Purchase your own Happy Pig reading here.